RCM Boat Show in La Rochelle, France 2023

RCM Boat Show in La Rochelle, France 2023

K-OVER at RCM Boat Show 

September 2023

K-OVER’s Journey with RCM. From Cannes to Paris to Cap d’Antibes.

K-OVER’s participation in the Yachting Festival Cannes opened doors to exciting new opportunities, setting the stage for successful collaborations with RCM, one of France’s premier dealers for the prestigious AZIMUT yacht brand. This partnership has allowed K-OVER to showcase its exquisite craftsmanship to an even broader audience of luxury yacht enthusiasts.

A Prestigious Invitation: RCM La Rochelle Paris 2022

During the Cannes Yachting Festival, K-OVER had the privilege of meeting the marketing manager of RCM La Rochelle. Impressed by the unique elegance of K-OVER’s products, RCM invited K-OVER to participate in the boat festival in Paris in December 2022. This event presented an ideal platform for K-OVER to display its luxury wine and champagne accessories to discerning yacht owners and enthusiasts.

At the Paris boat festival, K-OVER strategically presented selections from its Nature Collection, including the captivating Aquarium and Pirate designs. These pieces perfectly embodied the spirit of nautical luxury, resonating strongly with the event’s attendees. The showcase was a resounding success, with visitors drawn to K-OVER’s offerings’ unique and exclusive nature. Many saw these pieces as perfect additions to their yachts or as extraordinary gifts for fellow luxury enthusiasts.

Complementing the K-OVER display was the brand’s elegant glassware collection, which, as in previous events, garnered significant appreciation from the attendees. Combining K-OVER’s bottle covers and matching glassware presented a complete luxury experience for those seeking to elevate their onboard entertainment.

Expanding Horizons: RCM Exhibition in Cap d’Antibes 2023

The success of the Paris event led to another exciting opportunity. RCM invited K-OVER to participate in their exhibition in Cap d’Antibes in September 2023, coinciding with the unveiling of two new yacht models. This event gave K-OVER a unique chance to demonstrate its prowess in creating bespoke luxury items.

K-OVER crafted a custom-made K-OVER dedicated to the AZIMUT brand for this special occasion. This bespoke piece showcased K-OVER’s exceptional craftsmanship and highlighted the brand’s ability to create personalized luxury items tailored to specific client requests. The custom AZIMUT K-OVER served as a powerful demonstration of K-OVER’s versatility and commitment to meeting the unique desires of its clientele.

The creation of this bespoke piece allowed K-OVER to illustrate to visitors that while the brand excels in producing exquisite wine and champagne covers, it also possesses the capability to design and craft significant custom collections upon request. This flexibility positions K-OVER as a premier choice for luxury brands and individuals seeking one-of-a-kind, high-end accessories.

A Lasting Impression

The bespoke K-OVER created for AZIMUT now resides at RCM’s central office in La Rochelle, a testament to the fruitful collaboration between K-OVER and RCM. This piece represents the pinnacle of luxury craftsmanship and the strong relationship forged between these two prestigious brands.

K-OVER’s journey from Cannes to Paris to Cap d’Antibes demonstrates the brand’s growing influence in luxury yachting. Through these collaborations and bespoke creations, K-OVER continues to solidify its position as a leader in luxury accessories, capable of meeting and exceeding the expectations of the most discerning clientele.

As K-OVER looks to the future, it remains committed to pushing the boundaries of luxury craftsmanship, creating unique pieces that transform everyday moments into extraordinary experiences. Whether you are seeking a ready-made luxury accessory or a bespoke creation, K-OVER invites you to explore the possibilities and elevate your luxury lifestyle.

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